We offer the following packages:

Option A:                                                                                                                                R6000

5 hours including:

·         Wedding ceremony

·         Family and couple photographs

·         Reception


CD with all the photos on

60 postcard prints & 2 A4 prints


Option B:                                                                                                                                R7500

7 hours including:

·         Prior to wedding, taking photos of bride

·         Wedding ceremony

·         Family and couple photographs

·         Reception


CD with all the photos on

100 postcard prints & 2 A4 prints














We offer the following packages:

Option A:

10 designed layouts, edited and all photos supplied on CD                                                   R1000.00


Option B:

15 designed layouts, edited and all photos supplied on CD                                                   R1500.00


Option C: 

20 designed layouts, edited and all photos supplied on CD                                                   R2000.00





Advantages of having all the photos on a CD


·         You have all the photos taken to have a look at instead of selected ones only

·         You can have a look at them as often as you like compared to a limited time to view on internet or having to choose on-site

·         Re-printing at a later stage is easy compared to being in touch with photographer again

·         You don’t pay extra for each copy printed compared to printing it yourself



Should you be interested, please email us the following:

·         Option A/B/C

·         Suitable weekend date options to check our diary

·         Total amount of people in photo shoot

·         How you would like to set up your layouts (3x family, 2x parents only, 3x grandchild only etc.)

We will then email you a confirmation with all the details. 

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